07142024 2 Samuel 14 Joab’s Deceit (Travis Chappell)
07142024 2 Samuel 13 Evil in David’s House (Travis Chappell)
07072024 2 Samuel 12 Consequence of David’s Sin (Travis Chappell)
06302024 Psalm 92 Growing at any Age (Chuck Ballard)
06232024 Psalm 46 God of Presence, Peace and Power (Greg Ventura)
06162024 2 Samuel 11 David and Bathsheba (Travis Chappell)
06092024 2 Samuel 10 Kindness of the King Pt. 2 (Travis Chappell)
06022024 2 Samuel 9 Kindness of the King Pt. 1 (Travis Chappell)
05262024 Scope, Saviour, Spoils of the Kingdom (Travis Chappell)
05182024 Ecc. Chapter 12 Fear God Alone (Samuel Farley)
05120224 Psa. 2 God and His Kingdom (Travis Chappell)
05052024 Psa. 1 Walking in Righteousness (Travis Chappell)
04282024 2 Samuel 7 God Builds, David Praises (Travis Chappell)
04212024 Ecc. Chapter 11 Enjoy in the Blessings of the Lord (Samuel Farley)
03312024 Psa. 16 God is our Refuge (Travis Chappell)
03242024 Matt. 26:36-57 Jesus’ Betrayal (Travis Chappell)
03172024 Ecc. Chapter 10 Folly and Wisdom (Samuel Farley)
03102024 Knowing the King 2 Samuel 4 (Travis Chappell)
03032024 Abner – A Self Defeating Lesson 2 Samuel 2:12 – 32 (Travis Chappell)
02252024 Opposing God’s King 2 Samuel 2:1 – 11 (Travis Chappell)
02182024 Ecc. Chapter 9 Living a Good Life Ecc. (Samuel Farley)
02112024 Discerning King 2 Samuel 1 (Travis Chappell)
02042024 Review of 1 Samuel Pt. 3 (Travis Chappell)
01282024 Ecc. Chapter 8 Obey your Leaders, Trust in God (Samuel Farley)
01212024 Review of 1 Samuel Pt. 2 (Travis Chappell)
01142024 Review of 1 Samuel Pt. 1 (Travis Chappell)
01072024 Resolve to Seek Wisdom Ecc. 7 (Samuel Farley)

2023 Sermons

12312023 Comparison and Fairness Matt. 20:1 – 19 (Travis Chappell)
12242023 The Coming of Christ Luke 2 (Travis Chappell)
12172023 Light Coming Into Darkness Isa. 9:1 – 7 (Travis Chappell)
12032023 Worshipping Christ on Christmas Matt. 2:1 – 12 (Samuel Farley)
11262023 Authority in Action Matt. 8:1 – 13 (Travis Chappell)
11192023 Ecc. Chapter 6 Knowing the One Who is Good (Samuel Farley)
11122023 Praising in Fear Psalm 42 & 43 (Travis Chappell)
11052023 ServingThe Master 1Timothy 6:11 – 21 (Travis Chappell)
10292023 To Be Content 1Timothy 6:1 – 10 (Travis Chappell)
10152023 On God’s Standard 1Timothy 5:17 – 25 (Travis Chappell)
10082023 Honor One Another 1Timothy 5:1 – 16 (Travis Chappell)
10012023 Focus on The Ministry 1Timothy 4:6 – 16 (Travis Chappell)
09242023 Ecc. Chapter 4 Who is Walking With You? (Samuel Farley)
09172023 Confession and Conduct 1Timothy 3:14 – 4:5 (Travis Chappell)
09102023 Qualifications of Elders and Deacons 1Timothy 3:1 – 13 (Travis Chappell)
09032023 What Influences You Does Matter 1Timothy 2:8 – 15 (Travis Chappell)
08272023 Application of Prayer 1Timothy 2:1 – 7 (Travis Chappell)
08202023 Ecc. Chapter 3 A Season for All (Samuel Farley)
08132023 God’s Ability to Safe and Sanctify 1Timothy 1:12-20 (Travis Chappell)
08062023 Introduction to 1Timothy 1:1 – 11 (Travis Chappell)
07302023 Ecc. Chapter 2 Buffet of Life (Samuel Farley)
07232023 To Be With Christ Col. 3:1 – 4 (Travis Chappell)
07162023 To Serve Our God Eph. 3:1 – 13 (Mike Spencer)
07092023 Means of Stability Matt. 7:24 – 29 (Travis Chappell)
07022023 Evidence of Fruit Matt. 7:13 – 23 (Travis Chappell)
06252023 Ecc. Chapter 1 Vanities of Vanities (Samuel Farley)
06182023 The How and Why of Judgement Matt. 7:7 – 12 (Travis Chappell)
06112023 Caution and Condition of Judgement Matt. 7:1 – 6 (Travis Chappell)
06042023 Yoked with Christ Matt. 11 (Andrew Yates)
05282023 The Core of Worry and God’s Command Matt. 6:25 – 34 (Travis Chappell)
05212023 Spiritual Physiology Matt. 6:19 – 24 (Travis Chappell)
05142023 The Assumption, Dangers and Rewards of Fasting Matt. 6:16 – 18 (Travis Chappell)
05062023 “And when you pray..” Matt. 6:5 – 15 (Travis Chappell)
04302023 The Heart of Giving Matt. 6:1 – 4 (Travis Chappell)
04232023 Refusing to Retaliate Matt. 5:38 – 48 (Travis Chappell)
04162023 Desires of the Heart Matt. 5:27 – 37 (Travis Chappell)
04072023 The Powerful, the Punished and the Pardoned Matt. 27:11 – 26 (Travis Chappell)
04022023 The Responses to the Son of David Matt. 20:29 – 21:17 (Travis Chappell)
03262023 Living by Faith: The Good and The Hard Heb. 11:32 – 40 (Chuck Ballard)
03192023 Unrighteous Anger Matt. 5:21 – 26 (Travis Chappell)
03122023 Jesus and the Law Matt. 5:17 – 20 (Travis Chappell)
03052023 Salt & Light: Preserving, Purifying and Revealing Matt. 5:13 – 16 (Travis Chappell)
02262023 Temptation, Affects and Rewards of Persecution Matt. 5:10 – 12 (Travis Chappell)
02192023 Elements of a Peacemaker Matt. 5:9 (Travis Chappell)
02122023 The Problem, Promise and Pursuit of Purity Matt. 5:8 (Travis Chappell)
02052023 Mercy, Regardless of the State of Need Matt. 5:7 (Travis Chappell)
01292023 Desiring what we already have Matt. 5:6 (Travis Chappell)
01222023 Power under Control Matt. 5:5 (Travis Chappell)
01152023 The Truth in Mourning Matt. 5:4 (Travis Chappell)
01082023 The Paradox of Poverty Matt. 5:3 (Travis Chappell)
01012023 Introduction to Sermon on the Mount (Travis Chappell)